Friday, May 05, 2006

Mary Mary.. quite contrary

Yesterday as I awaited "Commander in Chief" to come on, ABC decided instead to regale us with an interview of Miss Mary Cheney.
You see Ms. Mary Cheney is a lesbian, and hence my stress on the Miss part. Thanks in part to Dubya and of course Mary's father Richard (or Dick!) Cheney Ms Mary Cheney can never become Missus.

Now the question of gay marriage is not my point today.

But the question of integrity sure is. Mary Cheney has consistently campaigned for the Republican party and for her father. I think thats swell, she puts family before principals and thats her prerogative. However, it becomes very annoying when asked a direct question, Ms Mary Cheney dodges it, not deftly, but very clumsily.

Diane Sawyer asked her, "If Dick Cheney were not vice-president, would you still campaign for the Republican party?"
Mary, "I dont like hypothetical questions."

very smart indeed.


The great Naushad is dead. You can listen to Naushad on Ragaa.


I saw ice-age with Shraddha this tuesday. At 8.30 at night, we were the only people in the movie hall. That was pretty odd. We've been to movies when there have been very few people there, but never just the two of us.
Well, thats one more thing I can cross out of my things to do list.


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